
wong flew over the cuckoo's nest at ucla

If you're in the Los Angeles area, and have never seen my performance artist pal Kristina Wong's show Wong Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, head over to UCLA tomorrow night. The show is sharp, funny, witty take on the issues like anxiety, depression and mental health in the Asian American community. Here are some details:
Come to the world-renowned, hilarious and insightful show,

Wong Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

which explores themes about mental health issues in marginalized communities, especially among Asian Americans. Inspired by the remarkably high incidence of suicide among Asian American women, Kristina Wong created this show to tackle issues such as anxiety, depression and mental health with sharp humor and incisive psychology.

Also stay for a discussion after the show to engage with the UCLA Counseling and Psychological Services staff.

Price: FREE
Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Location: Tom Bradley International Hall
Time: 6-8 PM

"Solo artist Kristina Wong unveils a string of imaginative surprises as she supposedly examines the high rates of depression and suicide among Asian American women. She darts around this grim subject with the kind of meta-theatrical wit that creates one of the funniest shows in town and engenders a level of audience participation that’s enthusiastic without becoming embarrassing. Then she ends with a sobering coda -- another kind of surprise after all the laughs."
--Don Shirley, LA City Beat

The event is co-sponsored by Asian Pacific Coalition and ORL. Please contact Christina Lee for more info (aujean@gmail.com).
Our community has some issues to talk about. Kristina is taking a crack at it. The event, co-sponsored by Asian Pacific Coalition and ORL, is free for all to attend. Come on out, see the show, and wish Kristina a happy early birthday.

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