Late last year, I wrote about the 2009 Asian Men Redefined Calendar, which I'm told was able to raise $2,000 for the Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center. Well, the calendar is back for 2010, and is now available online and at a few select stores. That's right. Twelve more months of glossy, full-color, 12"x12" Asian male hotness.
Bolder, smarter, sexier. Now in its fourth year, Asian Men Redefined is an all-volunteer calendar photographed and produced by dannydan. Sure, 2010 is still several months away. That doesn't mean you can't start celebrating some beautiful Asian men. And it's for a great cause.
Proceeds from the calendar benefit the A&PI Wellness Center, the oldest non-profit HIV/AIDS services organization in North America targeting Asian & Pacific Islander communities. The rest of the profit goes back to the calendar production for the following year. To learn more about the Asian Men Redefined calendar, go to the website here.