Did I hear that right? Next week's America's Best Dance Crew is supposedly going to be a martial arts-themed episode? I think that's what I heard A.C. Slater say. Great. If anyone is to make the case that this show is quickly sliding downhill, be sure to watch next week's show closely -- you might just peg the exact moment that ABDC officially jumped the shark.
To be honest, I'm sort of bored. While last night had its share of cool moments, this season has been pretty underwhelming -- and I'm hearing from folks who share the same sentiment. Perhaps we've just been spoiled by the amazing crews who completely rocked the last three seasons.
Comparisons aside, I'm currently quietly pulling for Massive Monkees and We Are Heroes. Neither crew has totally blown my mind just yet, but they've thrown in some really fun routines. And yes, they happen to have Asians in their membership. Let's see how they do.