
apa for progress: "why I ran/am running for office"

Our friends at Asian Pacific Americans for Progress, who run a really awesome, informative political blog, are working on another special week of posts: "Why Am I Running For Office?" or "Why I Ran For Office." Maybe you can help them out. From elected officials and candidates, in their own words. Read on:
Asian Pacific Americans for Progress will be featuring a series of posts from elected officials or people running for office who will blog on why they decided to run for office. Hopefully they will be sharing insight on the professional and personal considerations that go into running, as well the challenges and difficulties of their particular office, district or community. The goal is to help our readers, some of who may be considering running for office themselves, a good glimpse into things they should be considering. If you know anyone who would like to contribute, please ask them to write up an essay, minimum of 500 words and send it to us or to sign up an account.

So far have about 3-4 politicians (all for local offices) who have agreed to participate. Please let us know if you know any candidates or politicians who would like to participate. You can give them a 2 week deadline. Once we get 10 entries, we will post them up. It would be good to get a diversity of candidates.
I know for a fact that a few Asian Amercian politicians (or at least, their staff) regularly read this blog. Perhaps you have an inspiring story to share. Or maybe you know someone in public office you can pass this along to. This is a great way to share your wisdom and experience. I'll be sure to post a link when APAP posts these entries.

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