
apalc videos for immigration reform

This a really cool way to address and promote the issue of immigration reform. The Asian Pacific American Legal Center has released four short video documentaries urging Congress to enact a fair and humane immigration reform that includes measures to support the successful integration of immigrants. Here's the press release:
New Video Shorts Highlight the Need for Immigrant Integration Policy

LOS ANGELES - The Asian Pacific American Legal Center has released four video shorts calling on Congress to enact a fair and humane immigration reform that includes measures to support the successful integration of immigrants.

"During a recession, all workers and residents should play a role in plans to stimulate the economy," said Sara Sadhwani, immigrant rights project director. "Our research and outreach to Asian American and Pacific Islander communities as well as broader immigrant communities has shown that immigrants want to participate in building a bright future for the United States."

The short films follow immigrant community members on their quest to learn English and include interviews with leading academics, adult school administrators, ESL teachers and volunteers.

"Over the past few months, I visited a dozen adult education schools in Los Angeles and Orange counties," said Will Coley, videographer and producer of the films. "I had the opportunity to meet determined administrators, passionate teachers and lots of eager students."

California has the largest adult education system in the country and is supported in large part by state funding. "Unfortunately adult schools have faced severe cut backs due to the state budget negotiations," said Sadhwani. "Including immigrant integration measures in a comprehensive immigration reform package, such as funding for ESL and citizenship services, will be an investment in our nation's future."
Here are the four videos below, available via YouTube. They're really interesting, compelling pieces about regular people working hard and doing what they can on their own time to learn English:

Class Room 206: Making Time for English: In one representative class room in Evans Adult School, California's largest adult school English language program, students and teachers discuss how new immigrants make time to learn English.

The Outcome is Income: Graduating in English: Through the lens of 3 adult school graduations in Los Angeles County, we learn what English aquisition means to the financial success of new immigrants, their communities and our nation as a whole.

Finding Their Way with English: Students in the Torrance Adult School program created this video to show what their English classes mean to them.

Why I Volunteer to Teach English: Volunteers speak about their work with L.A.M.P. (Literacy for All of Monterey Park). Learn more about how you can support adult English language learners here.

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