My man Woody informs me that Chaos Theory Music and the Korean Cultural Center Los Angeles are presenting a b-boy workshop with internationally renowned, award-winning Korean hip hop dance troupe Last for One. It's happening this Wednesday, August 19, 8:00-9:30pm at KCCLA. Read on for details:
LAST FOR ONE in Los AngelesIf you remember these guys from the documentary Planet B-Boy
Wednesday, August 19
8-9:30 PM
5505 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles CA 90036
The Korean Cultural Center of Los Angeles (KCCLA) & Chaos Theory Music co-present the B-boy Workshop with Last For One, internationally renowned and award winning Korean hip-hop dance troupe. With an introduction of
B-boy history, Last for One will demonstrate the basic foundations of B-boying including Top Rock (the upright dancing and shuffles when B-boys enter a circle), Down Rock (dancing performed on the floor), Up Rock (a style of dance in which both dancers fabricate ways of beating the opponent using fictional weaponry), and other street dance techniques such as Locking and Popping. There will be a brief B-boy performance as well as a battle.
Last for One is the 1st place winner of the 2005 International Battle of the Year in Germany, which is the most prestigious Bboying competition in the world. They also received numerous prizes such as 1st place winner of Japan Battle of Hirapa in 2003, 1st place winner of 2005 Spain Underground Republic 3 to name just a few. They have performed around the world including U.S., Singapore, France, Finland, England, Mongolia, Angola, and China. Last for One was also featured in the documentary film titled Planet B-boy.
This workshop will be a great opportunity for people who are interested in learning the art of B-boy dancing from basic technique to more advanced moves.
The workshop fee: $10. Special Edition Last For One T-Shirts will also be available for sale to workshop participants for $10. Due to the limited space, you must make a reservation in advance to secure your place.
To RSVP, please call Spenser Noh at Chaos Theory Music at 201-926-0389, or email at For more info and to schedule any interviews before or after the workshop, please call River (DJ Kim) at 917-355-2754 or email For information about KCCLA contact Tammy Chung 323-936-7141 ext. 123 or email: