
protestors call for john yoo's firing (again)

This week at the University of California Berkeley, anti-war activists protested to call for the firing of law professor John Yoo, chief author of the "torture memos" which justified the torture of suspected terrorists: Protesters want UC Berkeley law professor fired.

Campus police arrested at least four people who refused to leave the university's law school building. Just another day in Berkeley, I suppose. I wonder what it's like to have your name so closely associated with "torture"? Sucks to be you, John Yoo.

The demonstrators said Yoo should be dismissed, disbarred and prosecuted for war crimes for his work as a Bush administration attorney from 2001 to 2003, when he helped craft legal theories for waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques.

Shouting "war criminal," the protesters confronted Yoo as he entered a lecture hall on the first day of class at UC Berkeley's Boalt Hall School of Law, where he's teaching a civil law course this semester. Police had to remove demonstrators from the classroom before he began teaching.

Demonstrators also staged a mock arrest of the tenured professor. Some dressed in black hoods and orange prisoner suits, reminiscent of the now-infamous Abu Ghraib prison abuse photos. Good try, folks. But I'd argue this classroom prankster still takes the cake.

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