Once upon a time, Ryan Higa -- one of the most popular people on YouTube, with 1.2 million subscribers -- and Sean Fujiyoshi made a movie called Ryan & Sean's Not So Excellent Adventure. It recently became available on iTunes
The story of two young web celebrities brought to Hollywood to audition for starring roles in the next big "buddy" film. Sought out by a producer about to be kicked off the studio lot, Ryan and Sean are put through the grueling process of makeovers, massages, tanning beds, singing, dancing and action picture auditions. Ryan Higa and Sean Fujiyoshi bring a genuine and natural comedic performance to strange and sometimes surreal situations that are packed with hilarity. A teen comedy with something for everyone, popular Ryan and Sean characters are incorporated into the story, including Helga Fawntanilla, The Stalking Mangina and even cameos from "the big green ball." Non-stop fun and that special brand of humor that is Ryan and Sean!Just based on the trailer, I'm not so sure this is my kind of movie. But if you're a fan of Ryan and Sean, I'm willing to bet you've probably already seen the movie. To learn more about Ryan & Sean's Not So Excellent Adventure, visit the website here. And get it on iTunes here