The indie comedy White on Rice is coming to a theater near you, starting September 11 in Los Angeles and Orange County. To celebrate, we'll be profiling the movie's cast, who answered a couple of questions. Meet Mio Takada, who plays Tak.
Describe your character in White on Rice.
Tak is a man who wants his happiness back. What he wants is to get back in touch with his wife and son. He wants to be close to them like they used to be. And he comes to believe that Jimmy is getting in his way.
What's your favorite behind-the-scenes moment?
There are so many. Maybe when Bob/Justin couldn't stop eating all the sweets on location. And of course Hiroshi Watanabe with his famous RED BULL!
What was your last Halloween costume?
It was New York, the Greewich Village Halloween parade. My wife and I both dressed as Groucho Marx! Those were glorious days.
What makes you laugh?
Being with my wife, talking to her.
What makes you angry?
People who believe everybody should be alike. They believe we all must ware the same clothes, listen to the same music, watch the same Movie, etc, etc... It's so much fun to be different, to be away from the crowd. You know, I'm practically a hermit.