
community members demand justice for daniel pham

Yesterday in San Jose, concerned community members held a press conference/rally and vigil to renew their efforts to secure "Justice for Daniel Pham," who was shot and killed by police officers in his backyard on May 10: Vietnamese-Americans seek open grand jury in death of S.J. man shot by cops.

Pham was shot on Mother's Day after his brother called 911. Just what was said is unclear, but the family has said they told arriving officers that Pham was mentally ill. He had suddenly sliced his brother's neck and was still holding the large knife when police arrived.

Loved ones just want to know why Daniel Pham had to die. All summer, Pham's family and supporters have tried to persuade District Attorney Dolores Carr to open the grand jury hearing into Pham's death, and asked police to release copies of the 911 calls made on the day he was killed.

The requests were denied, but the family and community groups remain adamant about the need to make the tapes public and open the grand jury proceedings.

San Jose police have said they do not release 911 tapes when investigations are still ongoing. And the District Attorney apparently has a long-standing belief that grand jury hearings on police-involved killings should be closed. More here: Protests Over Man Shot By San Jose Officers.

There's an online petition requesting that city release any and all findings that it has made regarding the shooting, along with the tape of the 911 call, the autopsy report, and the records of the officers involved in the shooting. View and sign it here: Police shooting of Daniel Son Pham on May 10, 2009.

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