Last month brought the release of box sets of the original Beatles albums, remastered and available in both stereo and mono for around $200 each. Both sets sold like hotcakes. But that's nothing. It's about to get serious. The real superstar of music is coming:
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, Yo-Yo Ma.
Step aside, Beatles. This month, the music industry will bow down before one name.
Yo-Yo Ma: 30 Years Outside the Box
is a whopping 90-disc deluxe box set of famed cellist Yo-Yo Ma's recorded legacy, celebrating thirty years on the Sony Music Label. That's a lot of Yo-Yo Ma. It'll set you back $789.
I don't care how cool you think Yo-Yo Ma is (and I think he's pretty damn cool). Who's got eight hundred bucks to blow on a 90-disc box set? You've got to
worship Yo-Yo Ma for that kind of dedication. But I suppose someone out there is going to buy it. It'll be available on October 27.