Shouldn't this scholarship be honored with the name of a prominent Asian American hero? After more than a decade of trying, they hope to give it a name, once and for all, by the end of this year. So they're opening it up for suggestions: Boston College Asian American Scholarship.
But there are some guidelines, and they're a bit tricky. They can't just choose any old name. Your suggestion must be within the bounds of these criteria:
MUSTSo while the Bruce Lee Scholarship would no doubt be awesome, it doesn't quite meet the standards Boston College is looking for. But maybe you know of someone who does, and would be an awesome namesake for the scholarship. The suggestion period ends this Friday, October 16. For more information, and to make your suggestion, go here.Have a connection with Boston College or of Boston College heritage (Catholic, Jesuit, etc)
STRONGLY PREFERREDA deceased candidate or someone who has achieved most of his/her life's work A figure inspirational to Asian Americans in the United States
ADDITIONAL SUGGESTED CRITERIAAsian American Admired by a broad range of BC Asian American Students