
mike honda defends the public option... and garlic

Ah, the health care debate takes a poetic turn... Last week, Republican Minority Leader John Boehner compared the public option's popularity to a garlic milkshake, claiming that he has yet to meet an American who is in favor of the public option that is not a member of Congress or the administration.

Oh, no he didn't! After hearing Boehner's comments, Congressman Mike Honda felt compelled to act. A recent New York Times/CBS poll found broad support, over 65%, for the public option across the nation. But wait, did Boehner just talk some smack about garlic?

Congressman Honda represents California's 15th District, which he says is rich not only in its support for the public option, but also rich in its garlic production. Gilroy, the garlic capital of the world, is home to the world-famous Gilroy Garlic Festival.

To inform Mr. Boehner of his mistake, Congressman Honda hand-delivered him a basket of California garlic, and a limerick illustrating America's desperate need for health care, and the public option:

Two things make for a strong healthy heart. Gilroy garlic, for one, a good start. Public option? Also high, In the American eye, 65 percent n'er want it to part.

Okay, so it's pretty bad poetry. Believe it or not, that's actually one of five limericks the Honda apparently had under consideration. But you've got to admit, the Congressman's got some clever moves. Garlic. Ha. Read all about it here: Much Like The Public Option, Garlic, Is A Healthy Solution.

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