Over the weekend, director James Cameron's sci-fi epic Avatar, with an international total of $1.288 billion, surpassed Titanic's 13-year overseas box office record. It's easily on pace to soon topple both the domestic and worldwide box office records. For those keeping score, here's the official count (thus far):
Domestic Box Office: $552,797,000
Worldwide Box Office: $1.8361 billion
Golden Globe Awards: 2
Critics Choice Awards: 6
BAFTA Award Nominations: 8
Deceased Moviegoers: 1
Just how amazing are Avatar's visual effects? In Taiwan, a 42-year-old man with a history of high blood pressure has died of a stroke likely triggered by watching Avatar in 3-D: Man died after watching Avatar - doctor.
It's true -- the movie is visually stunning... but stroke-inducing? The man, Mr. Kuo, reportedly started to feel unwell during the screening earlier this month and was taken to the hospital, where a scan showed that his brain was hemorrhaging.
According to the doctor, it's likely that over-excitement triggered his symptoms. It was actually that exciting. He died 11 days later from the brain hemmorhage. This is the first reported death linked to watching Avatar. So be careful out there.