
"nippertipping" case rallies asian community

More on the trial of Trevor Middleton, who was convicted in Toronto last month of four counts of aggravated assault and two counts of criminal negligence causing bodily harm, for his role in the September 2007 attack on Asian fisherman that left one man with permanent brain damage: Asian community unites over attacks on anglers.

The incident is an extreme example of attacks and harassment that have been inflicted repeatedly over the past few years on Asian fishermen in the Greater Toronto Area. It's become so common that locals have actually nicknamed the attacks "nip-tipping" and "nipper-tipping."

But what's unique about this particular attack is the huge attention the case has received from Asian community leaders, activists and the media. Hopefully, Middleton's conviction will serve as a rallying point to go forward in battling this kind of racist violence in the future. More on the case here.

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