
the show must go on: support slant

Fellow film fans, a call for help... Slant: Bold Asian American Images, the annual festival of short films presented by the Aurora Picture Show in Houston -- now in its tenth year -- is in need of your support. For the short, cute version, watch this little video explaining the situation.

Due to cuts to arts organizations this year, Slant doesn't have the budget it has usually has gotten in past years. But the show must go on! So they're turning to you, the Asian Amerian cinema-supporting public, to help close the gap. While they have some money raised, they need some more to maintain programming for the
10th anniversary of the festival.

Melissa Hung, Slant's curator, explains, "It's not a huge amount of money, I'm trying to be realistic -- but I can really do some great programming on just a little bit more money." Donations go towards paying filmmakers and performers (something that makes this film festival unique), venue rentals, travel costs, etc.

They're trying to raise $1,500 from the public. All things considered, I don't think it's a lot of money. It's a completely realistic goal that can be reached with your help. For more information, and to make a donation, go here. Oh, and if you're a filmmaker, the deadline to submit a film to Slant is January 30.

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