Talk about an eventful weekend... For all you lovers out there, it's Valentine's Day. We're also celebrating the Lunar New Year, President's Day, the opening days of the Vancouver Olympics, and the NBA All-Star game. To add to the madness, believe it or not, today happens to be the ninth anniversary of Angry Asian Man. That's right -- I've running this damn blog for nine years.
I can hardly believe it. Nine years ago, I started this little space on the web to record a few thoughts and observations. I never expected it to find an audience, and I sure as hell didn't think I'd be doing it nine years later. But here we are. It's been amazing experience, and I just wanted to take a moment to celebrate.
... And thank you all. Everybody -- the loyal everyday readers, friends and supporters who have contributed, pushed and encouraged me over the years. Honestly, I couldn't do it without you. And to you, the haters, I've got love for you too. In a crazy way, you too have made this blog what it is. To everyone, thank you. I am truly grateful. Let's keep it going strong in year ten. Stay Angry.