Just heard about Write to Resist, a writing workshop series for young Asian American women (14-18) looking for a space to explore issues of violence and identity using creative writing. If you're in New York, you might want to check it out. Here's some more information:
Write to Resist!This sounds like a really cool opportunity for young women looking for a place to share their voices. For more information about the workshop series and how to apply, visit the Write to Resist website here. For specific questions, feel free to email: writetoresistworkshop@gmail.com.
Writing Workshop Series for Young Asian American Women
Thursdays, starting February 11th, 2010, 4:30-6:00 PM
@ Project Reach NYC
39 Eldridge Street, 4th fl., NY, NY 10002
Write to Resist is a writing workshop series for Asian American young women (ages 14-18) to use writing as a creative vehicle to explore issues of identity and violence. This workshop series offers a rare and safe space for Asian American young women to invent together and explore multiple ways to empower themselves. Throughout the seven workshops, participants will 1) collaborate on a zine featuring their art and written work 2) have the opportunity to showcase their work in an end of the series final performance. All levels of experience welcome!