I recently heard from Korean American Philadelphia-based poet Suyeun Juliette Lee, who tells me about her new book of poems, Underground National, published last month from Factory School Press.
The book is described as "an exploration in nations as emotional structures," thinking through the way policies and politics shape our experiences of the world, sometimes in traumatic and terrifying ways. The poems include meditations on Kpop, history, suicide, nuclear missile tests, and immigration. More on the book here.
Sueyeun also edits a small press Corollary, devoted to new work by writers of color. It's a small outfit -- with just seven titles so far -- but the authors are people from a variety of backgrounds, and the majority are Asian American. I imagine there isn't a lot of money in the small-press-for-writers-of-color situation, but it's a labor of love. For more information, go here.