Okay, everybody. Time to meet another Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is Simon Tam of The Slants.
Who are you?
My name is Simon Tam. In my band (The Slants), I'm known as Simon Young. The stage name came from other bands I was involved with in the past and it just sort of stuck.
What are you?
I'm a Chinese American son of some of the most amazing, loving parents a person could have. I'm a musician, an advocate for Asian American rights, and am working very hard to cure cancer.
Where are you?
I am writing in my home office/recording studio (aka "House of the Rising Sun" or "my garage") in Portland, OR.
Where are you from?
I was born and raised in San Diego, CA. I moved to the Northwest about six years ago to join a touring punk rock band. Not long after that, I decided I wanted to start an Asian American dance rock band and have been in Portland ever since.
What do you do?
I play bass in and manage an Asian band called The Slants. It tends to land me in trouble, though mostly with non-API's who don't understand the meaning of the name or the idea of taking on stereotypes to engage with folks about deeper issues. I spend a good amount of my nights and weekends performing at rock clubs, Asian festivals, and anime conventions.
At my day job, I work for the American Cancer Society. I volunteer with a number of organizations including APANO (Asian Pacific Network of Oregon), API HEART (Asian Pacific Islander Health Equity and Reform Team), the Asian Health Services Center, and am a member of few more.
I also volunteer as a consultant, helping other aspiring artists or find funding for cultural events. I don't sleep very much, but I dream plenty.
What are you all about?
Rock n' roll and fighting for Asian American issues.
What makes you angry?
People who do things but without passion, people who are indifferent to the evil around them, and dirty dishes.