Urban Wolf is an action web series that recently premiered on Sony's Crackle.com. Directed by French filmmaker Laurent Touil-Tartour, and starring Hong Kong action star Vincent Sze, the 15-part mystery thriller is told entirely without dialogue. Here's the trailer:
Sze plays a mysterious man who's tracked through the streets of Paris by a pervasive network of surveillance cameras. Think Hitchcock with a little bit of French Connection and a cutting-edge visual style. Here's the official description:
Written, produced and directed by Laurent Touil-Tartour and filmed entirely on location in Paris, France, "URBAN WOLF" stars Vincent Sze (a noted actor from the Hong Kong cinema scene) as a former MIT student who travels to Paris for a job interview. Walking the streets, he notices the numerous surveillance cameras that criss-cross the city and seemingly follow his every move. What begins as paranoia quickly escalates to full-blown panic as the shadowy operator behind the technology relentlessly pursues the innocent American, testing his survival instincts.Urban Wolf first screened at last year's Comic-Con and the American Film Institute DigiFest, and won the award for Best Drama in the overal TV and web category at the Independent Television Festival.
The series reportedly created a bidding war between studios for distribution, and has gotten a lot of attention as an example of the future of premium online content. I haven't had the chance to watch whole thing through, but so far I'm pretty intrigued. Take a look at Urban Wolf here.