BEST HEADLINE EVER? I don't think it's even a question, Junichi. This is the best headline ever. Important facts, yet still raising many, many questions.
G.O.O.K. is a Four-Letter Word: 82-year-old K.W. Lee, considered the "Godfather of Asian American journalism," guest blogs about an "are-you-talking-to-me?" racial slur encounter he had in 1956.
How do you pronounce your name again? Again? Frances Kai-Hwa Wang's latest "Adventures in Multicultural Living" column, on a particularly annoying situation many Asian Americans know all too well.
An Open Letter to Detractors: With The Last Airbender hitting theaters this weekend, some people might be hearing about the casting controversy for the first time, and might be thinking, what's the big deal? -- it's just a movie. Here's a message to the haters.
The Last Airbender: To Boycott or Not? Actor Dante Basco, who supplied the voice of Prince Zuko in all three seasons of Avatar: The Last Airbender, offers his perspective on casting Asian roles, the unfairness of Hollywood, and whether or not he'll be boycotting the movie.
The Last Airbender Opens At Midnight: Graphic novelist Gene Yang, who was an early, vocal critic of The Last Airbender movie casting, offers his last word on the controversy on the eve of the movie's opening.
But Is It Racist? Desi, please. There may not be hate speech or outwardly explicit name calling in the movie, but Taz from Sepia Mutiny is calling it -- "this movie version adaptation of The Last Airbender is racist."
Hollywood and Asians: Do We Really Need More Asian Americans In Positions Of Power? "More Asians in Hollywood will not necessarily mean better representation. In fact it could add to the problem."
The legacy of Jin and Sun: And finally, it's been over a month since the Lost finale, but here's a KoreAm piece by Bao Phi about the relationship between Jin and Sun, and the lasting impact the characters will have in modern American pop culture.