Just catching up on episodes of Funemployed, the comedy webseries collaboration from KevJumba and Wong Fu Productions. After a month of fun, the series just wrapped up with the launch of its final episode. Last time, I posted episodes 4-7, so here are the rest:
Episode Eight: Caught cheating. Kyle discovers that Jason's been lying and cheating on him...with a JOB!
Episode Nine: Lonely, lonely Kyle. Now that Kyle and Jason "broke up", Kyle seeks refuge with his old college friends; overgrown, deadbeat frat bros.
Episode Ten: Hug it out. Judy gives Jason some important advice to help him make up with Kyle. Time to enter the contest!
Episode Eleven: Gave it a shot. The series finale! Stay tuned for the music video... "Dance To This Song"!
All in all, for their first ever webseries, I think they did an awesome job. The whole thing was made with no budget and no crew, but what's apparent is that they had a blast putting it together. Looking forward to seeing more from these guys.
For more from these fine folks, check out:
Chester See - http://youtube.com/chestersee
Kina Grannis - http://youtube.com/kinagrannis
David Choi - http://youtube.com/davidchoimusic
Ryan Higa - http://youtube.com/nigahiga
Wong Fu Productions - http://youtube.com/wongfuproductions
KevJumba - http://youtube.com/kevjumba