Check it. New York-based band Paperdoll, is headed back to China on tour after a successful run in Shanghai last August. They'll be playing shows in multiple cities, from Shanghai to Hangzhou, October 12-29.
Since they're one of my favorite bands, I've invited lead singer (and former Angry Reader of the Week) Teresa Lee to contribute some guests post chronicling the band's journeys. Here's Teresa on the eve of their departure...
My band - PaperDoll - is leaving for China in less than 24 hours - Shanghai, Hangzhou, Beijing, Shenzhou... here we come! To celebrate our second tour, we created our very first DJ Robot comic! If people like it, we'll have Weigy and Andy (my very talented Art School buddies) draw and write more.
- Buy granola bars in bulk (don't always have time to eat), new fishnet tights (they always rip on stage), safety pins, buy Zyrtec D (I'm severely allergic to pollen and trees - very rock-and-roll)
- Pack "gig" clothes
- Pack "normal" clothes so I don't look like a hooker ("high class" hooker as my sister points out)
- DVR Oprah (last season!), 30 Rock, Glee, Modern Family, Project Runway, A-List NY (so bitchy it's awesome), and Boardwalk Empire
- Mail my cousin Tiffany's very late birthday present (2 really cute dresses)... I'm hoping that mentioning her in this blog will make up for it.
- Call the boys to make sure they got hair cuts
...And I'm sure there's a whole bunch of stuff I'm forgetting, but my hot toddy (lemon, honey, hot water, Jameson, and cloves) is kicking in. I have a bit of a cold and it's clearing up my sinuses... also hot toddies are delicious and pretty much my favorite thing to drink.
The flight is less than 12 hours and I still have to pack... can't wait to get on the road again!