The New Asian Girl Movie Stereotype: Crazyass Bitch: A Marginally Insane World identifies a new Asian female stereotype recently permeating Hollywood films -- not The Shy Wallflower nor The Exotic/Mysterious Beauty. Nope. It's the "CRAZYASS BITCH."
BABEWATCH: Divya Narendra, The Real-Life Indian Dude Who Wasn't Played By An Indian Dude In 'The Social Network': Disgrasian is digging the real-life Divya Narendra, one of the guys who sued fellow Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg for stealing their idea for the social networking site that eventually became Facebook, as depicted in The Social Network.
Is Reality TV a Revolution for Race or the New Minstrel? Here's a good Colorlines piece by Neelanjana Banerjee examining how people of color -- including Asian Americans -- are depicted, for better or for worse, on television "reality" shows. (Full disclosure: I talked to Neela for this story.)
Characters Wanted: Over at You offend Me You Offend Me Family, screenwriter -- make that Academy Award-nominated screenwriter -- Iris Yamashita offers some simple, helpful tips for creating and developing characters for your screenplay.
Birds, Bees & Butts: And finally, a very special episode of MetroDad, in which father explains to daughter where babies come from... and other lies.