It is on! Agents of Secret Stuff (A.S.S. -- get it?), the long-awaited new mini-movie collaboration between YouTube star Ryan Higa and Wong Fu Productions is now up and running. It's a goofy secret agent comedy starring Ryan, Arden Cho, Dominic "D-Trix" Sandoval, HiImRawn, and Aki Aleong. You can watch the whole 35 minute film here:
I love these guys. This week, I had the opportunity to attend the A.S.S. premiere with an enthusiastic crowd of Wong Fu/Higa fans, and had a great time. Honestly, not all the jokes work, but there are some great moments, it's nicely produced, and you just have to appreciate the awesome energy that comes across throughout the whole project. Here's a behind-the-scenes video on the making of A.S.S.:
The film was shot over one week this past summer, with nearly no budget and just a lot of love and enthusiasm for the project and the fans that would eventually see it. More background here: "Agents of Secret Stuff" RELEASED. And here are some bloopers:
Congratulations, guys. For more information about Agents of Secret Stuff, check out Ryan Higa's YouTube channel here and Wong Fu Productions' website here.