Why is South Carolina's Anti-Islamic Propaganda Billboard Still Up? If you're driving down South Carolina's Interstate 26, you might come across this fear-mongering Islamophobic billboard produced by the ultra-conservative Christian Action Network, "for those who can only swallow information in two-word doses about the 'threats' of Islamic culture."
First steps at South Philly High: Will they lead to lasting change? Exactly one year after the December 3 attacks on Asian students at South Philadelphia High, Helen Gym looks at the progress and positive change at the school, as well as the many challenges still facing students and the administration.
Words a Cell Can't Hold: An excerpt from "Experiencing Death" by poet and literary critic Liu Xiaobo, recipient of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize.
Enduring, Thriving, and Now a U.S. Citizen: Nice New York Times Neediest Cases piece on 21-year-old college student Jin Zheng, who had trouble living with this Chinese immigrant family, but was later able to thrive at a residential youth treatment center, and recently officially became an American citizen.
Burmese Couple Build Life in the Bronx: Another New York Times Neediest Cases piece, on Bae Reh and his wife Moo Pro, who escaped from the oppressive military regime in Myanmar to a Thai refugee camp, and eventually found themselves in New York to start a very different new life.
My Story: Dohyun: We Are the Youth is a photojournalism project that chronicles the stories of LGBT youth in the United States. Dohyun, a 19-year old Korean-born American talks about coming to America and being gay in a conservative Korean family.
Five Films Where the Asian Male Lead Gets the Girl: In honor of Jang Dong-gun and Kate Bosworth's little hookup in the martial arts western The Warrior's Way, Philip from YOMYOMF recounts some of cinema's rare classic Asian male romantic lead roles.
Asian Look-Alikes is a new website where you try to identify different Asian ethnicities through user submitted pictures. It's kind of similiar to the tests on All Look Same, but like, you know, ten years later.
Extra Lives TV is a weekly video podcast, hosted by Timmy and Winnie, featuring reviews of iPhone, iPad and iPod games "from both the hardcore and casual player," so you can make informed choices about your app purchases.