Are you looking for totally rad exercise regimen that will get you physically and mentally fit? Then you need the Ronny Nishimoto Fitness Plan. Ronny, personal trainer to the stars, has designed a specifically designed special three-part system that will not only give you the body you want, but will earn you the respect of others and compel strangers to have sex with you. Watch and see for yourself:
Totally awesome, right?
Okay, so much to my disappointment, this is not a real workout video. When I tried to order my copy of the Ronny Nishimoto Fitness Plan, I discovered that there is no Ronny and no plan, and this is like, a joke. That's actually actor/comedian Randall Park, and this is really a spoof by Magic Hugs.
Oh well. Now that I think about it, this is pretty friggin' hilarious. To see more from Randall, go to his website here, and for more from Magic Hugs, go here. And remember, to be fit is to be legit!