Here's the U.S. trailer for 13 Assassins, the badass new samurai movie from legendary cult director Takashi Miike -- now available for viewing On Demand. Set at the end of Japan's feudal era, a group of unemployed samurai are enlisted to bring down a sadistic lord and prevent him from ascending to the throne and plunging the country into a war-torn future. Check it out:
Intense. While Miike is widely known for going to extremes, this film has actually been described as one of his most restrained. That said, everything I've heard about it promises an insane, slashtastic samurai action extravaganza. Want a taste? Take a look at this one-minute clip:
Like that? Now multiply it times fifty. I keep reading about the last 45 minutes of the movie, which is just one long, epic and bloody samurai battle. It's basically the titular 13 assassins fighting off a force of over 200 men. And it appears that the director was determined to depict every single one of them getting killed off. All two hundred.
The movie will be in theaters on April 29 from Magnet Releasing. But if you can't wait that long, you can actually order and watch it On Demand right now. Like, today. From the comfort of your couch. For more information about the film (including the theatrical release schedule), go to the 13 Assassins website here.