Everybody! You need to listen to this. Cinemetropolis, the long-awaited new full-length album from Blue Scholars, Seattle's finest hip hop group -- and one of my favorite music acts, period -- is now available for the world to purchase, download and enjoy. And I think you're going to like it.
I was one of the legions of fans who contributed over $64,000 through Kickstarter to fund the release of Cinemetropolis, so I got my hands on it a couple of weeks early. And I've been listening to it nonstop ever since. Sabzi and Geologic call it "cinema art rap." I like to call damn good music.
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Like I said, I've been listening the hell out of this, and it gets better every time. Both hard copies and digital downloads of Cinemetropolis are no available from Bandcamp. For more information on Blue Scholars and their music, check out the website here.