Who are you?
Jerry Ma
What are you?
A not too starving artist.
Where are you?
Right now, I'm in front of my computer taking a break from preparing an art book of my sketches and folding tshirts for the San Diego Comic Con.
Where are you from?
Made in Taiwan, but born in the greatest city in the world, New York.
What do you do?
I'm a full-time graphic designer and part time illustrator.
Best known for my work on Secret Identities and for my own line of tees Epic Proportions.
I've also self-published some comics and sometimes I travel from school to school with my partners in crime Jeff Yang, Parry Shen and Keith Chow trying to help bring awareness to Asian American issues.
What are you all about?
I try to show other people that hard work does pay off in the end. I hope to inspire others to keep doing what they want to do and dream to do. I try to lead by example. I hope to create something that will be remembered forever and ever and ever and ever.
What makes you angry?
Cab drivers, after a couple drinks I tend to give them a hard time. An empty glass of sake.
The lack of Asian Americans in pop culture.
Being told by multiple movie houses "I should know better than that" when creating a story with an Asian lead.
Getting my hair cut. I hate waiting at the barbershop.
Any sports franchise not named the Jets, Knicks and Mets.
The three new Star Wars films... why mess with the original three???
Super stores. My father is a small shop owner. Super stores are a menace to society. We need to create neighborhoods again where people can trust each other and build relationships with each other.
People that laugh at the name "angry asian man."