Oh, what? Bambu and Prometheus Brown (aka Geologic of Blue Scholars) just dropped a new album? You know I had to cop that. Beatrock Music and In4mation present Prometheus Brown and Bambu Walk Into A Bar.
The two Filipino American emcees recently joined forces during a week-long visit to Hawaii to create an album -- "laced with beats by local Hawaiian producers and rounded out by some of LA and Seattle's most talented beatsmiths" -- that pays homage to the islands. Sample the album on the widget below:
Two of my favorite emcees coming together to drop something fresh with a little bit of island flavor. It would have been hard not to like this, and it definitely doesn't disappoint. And am I the only really really hoping that track number 9, "Rashida Jones," somehow makes its way to the ears of the actual Rashida Jones? Crossing my fingers.
You can order your copy of Prometheus Brown and Bambu Walk Into A Bar at the Beatrock Music store, or download a digital copy from Bandcamp. It's also available on iTunes and Amazon. For further information on Bambu and his music, go this website here. For more from Prometheus Brown, check out the Blue Scholars website here.