Miyazaki On Miyazaki: The Animation Genius On His Movies: This is a really nice tribute and interview with Studio Ghibli's Hayao Miyazaki -- hands down, one of the greatest living directors of all time, animation or otherwise.
Q&A: Kal Penn, On Trading 'House' For The White House And Returning To NBC Deal: Deadline has a great interview with Kal Penn on working at the White House, coming back to acting, and the upcoming sitcom he's creating for NBC.
'Version 3.0' Gives Platform to Asian American Playwrights: Wall Street Journal's Speakeasy interviews playwrights David Henry Hwang and Chay Yew, editor of a new anthology of contemporary Asian American drama, Version 3.0.
It's Fine For Perry White To Be Black, But Akira Must Always Be Asian: An intelligent and well-reasoned argument over at CinemaBlend on why coloblind casting works for some characters and not for others.
An Illustrated Interview with Hellen Jo: Poketo has a very special illustrated interview with artist Hellen Jo, drawer of brooding young teens with an attitude.
Phan is first Vietnamese-American fighter in UFC: Here's a nice profile on UFC fighter Nam Phan, who says he's out to bust some stereotypes and buck the "traditional" path for Asian Americans in the United States.
Remap a mixed bag for Asian communities: Deanna Kitamura of the Asian Pacific American Legal Center writes about the California Citizens Redistricting Commission's final proposed maps for the Assembly, state Senate, Board of Equalization and California congressional districts, and their implications for the AAPI community.
Esther Cepeda: Needs of diverse Asian-American students often overlooked: Columnist Esther Cepeda on the model minority myth and the overlooked education challenges still facing many Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
How to Market to Asian Americans: Asian Americans have substantial purchasing power, but marketers often fail to include us in their campaigns.
Let us be the first to welcome our new Korean overlords: Detest the headline, but this is a pretty fascinating article on how Hyundai and Kia have been able to kick some serious ass in the U.S. auto market.