Today in Oakland, the Korematsu Institute invites you to the unveiling of the "Remember Them: Champions for Humanity" sculpture, which includes the likeness of Japanese American civil rights pioneer Fred Korematsu. It's happening at 1:00pm in Henry J. Kaiser Memorial Park.
The 30-ton, 1000 square-foot monument is the largest bronze monument in the West, and includes twenty-five civil and human rights icons such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Dr. Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez, Rosa Parks and Harvey Milk. Here's the full list:
- The Rev. Ralph David Abernathy
- Maya Angelou
- Susan B. Anthony
- Ruby Bridges
- Cesar Chavez
- Chief Joseph
- Sir Winston Churchill
- Frederick Douglass
- Shirin Ebadi
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Helen Keller
- Coretta Scott King
- The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Abraham Lincoln
- Nelson Mandela
- Harvey Milk
- Mother Teresa
- Rosa Parks
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- Oskar Schindler
- Thich Nhat Hanh
- Rigoberta Menchu Tum
- The Unknown Rebel of Tiananmen Square
- Elie Wiesel
- Malcolm X
To learn more about the Remember Them monument, and for further information about all of the 25 humanitarians represented, go here. For further information about today's unveiling (sorry about the short notice), go to the Facebook event page here.