The Virtual Youth Town Hall will explore important issues relevant to AAPI youth, and will feature singer/songwriter Clara Chung and popular YouTube personality Ryan Higa as panelists addressing topics such as anti-bullying, access to education, and AAPI representation in the arts and media. Here are some more details:
White House Virtual Youth Town Hall feat. Clara Chung and Ryan HigaThe Virtual Town Hall will be live-streamed, and include a question and answer session in which the community can submit their questions online via Twitter using the hashtag #WHIAAPITownHall. For further information about the Virtual Youth Town Hall, go to Facebook here. And spread the word.
Friday, October 14
4pm PDT/7pm EST
Submit questions and comments via twitter: #AAPITownHall
The White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders cordially invites students, youth, and community advocates across the country to attend its first ever Virtual Youth Town Hall. The online event will be available for viewing at