Check out this great short film from Studio Revolt, My Asian Americana, a PSA to remind the public of untold stories about Asian Americans who have deported and ordered into exile. Filmed in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the participants share their favorite memories of their Americana:
Produced and directed by Anida Yoeu Ali, and features Kosal Khiev, Sokha Chhim, Vinh Dao, Phyrak Khun, Ryan Tong, Vanna Sann, and Thea Som. The video was submitted and created for the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders "What's Your Story' video challenge. Hey, their story is part of Asian America too.
For background information about the video, including the director's statement, go to Studio Revolt's website here. And for further information on the issue of deportation, visit Kosal Khiev's website here.