Finally, an Asian who packs a punch: Here's a nice piece by Thea Lim on what the awesomeness of champion boxer Manny Pacquiao means for the image of Asian men in popular culture.
Han vs. Han: Sung Kang, who played Han in Fast Five -- the coolest Asian character of the year -- offers his take on Han in the CBS sitcom 2 Broke Girls -- arguably the uncoolest Asian character of the year.
Highbro/Lowbro: On Harold & Kumar: Hua Hsu's got a smart Grantland essay on the strange, unlikely Asian American empowerment found in Harold & Kumar's stupid, irresponsible stoner heroes.
Please Contribute to the "Buy Harry Shum Jr. Pizza" Fund: Philip of You Offend Me You Offend My Family takes issue with Harry Shum Jr.'s far too frequent lack of shirts... and, um, abundance of abs.
Timothy Tau Wins Fourth-Annual Asian American Short Story Contest: Congratulations to Timothy Tau, winner of Hyphen's 2011 Asian American Short Story Contest winner for "The Understudy," a story about an Asian American actor trying to make it in Hollywood.
An Interview with Bao Phi: diaCRITICS interviews spoken word artist and poet Bao Phi, who talks about his new book Sông I Sing.
Mindy Kaling: Writer/producer/actress Mindy Kaling talks about her new book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns).
The Intimate Immensity of In the Family: An Interview with Patrick Wang: Patrick Wang, the writer-director-actor-producer of In the Family, talks to Asia Pacific Arts about his directorial influences, his character's Southern accent, and how his stellar cast got through the entire shoot with only two line flops.
Q&A: Stephane Gauger on Saigon Electric, Vietnamese hip-hop and youth culture: Director Stephane Gauger's hip hop dance movie Saigon Electric premiered in Canada last week as part of the Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival.
Bruce Lee's Widow, Linda Lee Cadwell, Talks About Bruce's Martial Arts and Philosophy Book "Tao of Jeet Kune Do" - Then (1975) and Now (2011): Black Belt interviews Linda Lee Cadwell, widow of martial arts icon Bruce Lee, about the new expanded edition of Tao of Jeet Kune Do.
Mr. Hyphen 2011 Designers: Retrofit Republic: Hyphen sits down with super stylists Julia Rhee and Jenny Ton of Retrofit Republic, which was apparently inspired by a yard sale that really, really well.
Ohbijou keeps moving forward: A profile on Canadian indie pop band Ohbijou, of whom I'm a fan (check out their 2009 album Beacons).
U.S.-Born Chinese, Back in China to Set Up Shop: Many Chinese Americans are now flocking to China to chase the "non-American American dream."
Brothers went to war, but not all on the same side: All seven Oka brothers served in the military -- three in the U.S. Army during World War II, two fought for Japan, and two served the U.S. during the Korean War.