Lots of great music out this week! I direct your attention to Secession in Astropolis, the new album from Chicago-based indie electro-pop artist Jon Monteverde, aka XYZR_KX (pronounced "Scissor Kicks"), out now from "Actually, Records." This one's been a long time coming.
I've been listening to the album for the better part of two months, and it's quickly become one of my favorite records of the year. Sort of hard to describe, but I guess it's something like dreamy futuristic folk pop. Definitely experimental and space age-y, but still rooted in traditional pop songwriting. Here's a preview:
If that's not cool enough for you, I'm told they're working on putting together a video art installation based on the album's sci-fi themes. Can't wait to see that. There's an accompanying video for every track on Secession in Astropolis. View them all on Actually Records' YouTube channel here. I think my favorite one is "The Less I Know."
To get your hands on Secession in Astropolis, download the digital album or order the physical CD from Bandcamp here. I thini you're going to like it. For more information on the music of XYZR_KX, check out his website here.