There's no contest, but this one wins it all. Our friend Jen Wang of Disgrasian is Halloween costume champion of the world with her Tiger Mom costume. You just couldn't resist, could you? Thanks to everyone who sent in a photo. Here are the rest:
This tough looking bunch is San Francisco mayoral candidate David Chiu and his campaign crew -- probably the only campaign to organize a Star Wars-themed Halloween outing just eight days before Election Day.
Tiger Lulu and Ultraman 80!
Here we have Pippi as an enthusiastic bumble bee, Cael as Venom, and Sally as the black swan.
Bryan and Mariel go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Snow White and the Champ.
Monkey King representing!
Nainoa practices his cycloptic monster growl.
Al and Victor reppin' that Dragonball Z.
Phong channels Ryan Gosling and his sweet scorpion jacket from Drive.
And finally, Douglas as Daniel Plainview... and he's got his milkshake.