Bay Area Native: An awesome new painting by artist Hellen Jo, who pays homage to her hometown of South San Jose.
An Open Letter To Yelp Reviewers of Vietnamese Restaurants: "Your M.O. seems to be peremptory dismissal of an entire cuisine because you went one time with firm guards up against having a good time."
S. Floyd Mori: Internment specter raises ugly head in forgetful U.S. Senate: S. 1253, the National Defense Authorization Act, would let any U.S. president use the military to arrest and imprison without charge or trial anyone suspected of having any relationship with a terrorist organization.
Never Again: George Takei, who spent four years in an internment camp as a child during World War II, urges you to write to your senator, telling her or him to vote against S.1253.
Asian rapper set to roar across L.A.: A profile on Tiger JK, arguably the most popular Korean rapper in America, who returned to his Los Angeles roots to perform Friday at the Wiltern Theatre.
Graphic novelist attempts to return 'Last Airbender' to Asian roots: Here's a nice interview with our friend Gene Luen Yang, who is handling the upcoming new graphic novel adaptation that picks up where Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender animated series left off.
Guest Author Marie Lu: Wait a Second! Creating Secondary Characters: Marie Lu, author of the recently published young adult thriller Legend, offers three tips on how to create secondary characters for your story.
Portable Design With Poketo: Entrepreneur profiles Ted Vadakan and Angie Myung, the founders of Poketo, who have been bringing affordable, art-minded products to the masses since 2003.
The 5 Best Toys of All Time: Just in time for the holidays, Jonathan Liu of's GeekDad has narrowed down his list of the five time-tested, kid-approved (and budget-friendly) items that no child should be without.
'Physics Of The Future': How We'll Live In 2100? NPR's Fresh Air talks to theoretical physicist Michio Kaku about his new book Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100.
We Deserve Rights. We Deserve Life.: "What AIDS gave me is something to fight against, and I learned, because of AIDS, we, my people, my tribe, the GLBT community learned how to organize, how to raise money, how to band together, how to be political, how to demand for our rights, how to write about our pain, how to march, how to approach, realize and finally attain equality."
"This is scary" - the Story of One of the 292 Jailed in Occupy LA Police Raid (part 1): Filmmaker/activist Eric Byler was one of the many arrested following the Los Angeles Police Department's raid on the Occupy LA camp at City Hall last week. Here's his account of how it went down.
Nail Salon Researcher Takes the Shine off Your Polish: Hyphen interviews Thu Quach, a research scientist at the Cancer Prevention Institute of California and one of the few people studying nail salon workers and the health hazards they face.
Memorial To Be Placed at Oregon's Chinese Massacre Cove: "It is one of the worst acts of vicious hate violence against Chinese in American history. They could have stolen their gold and left the Chinese miners alive since there were few laws around to protect Chinese or their property. But they gunned them down and then mutilated their bodies on top of that. If that isn't a hate crime, I don't know what is."