The Best in Asia and Asian America 2011: Jeff Yang's last "Tao Jones" column of 2011 picks the best, the worst and the most memorable events, individuals and phenomena of the year that was.
'Yo, Is This Racist?' Andrew Ti's Tumblr Has Your (Hilarious) Answer: Colorlines profiles Andrew Ti, the guy who answers all of your stupid race questions on the amazing and hilarious Yo, Is This Racist Tumblr.
"Ching Chong, Chinaman": The De-Americanization of Asian Americans: University of San Francisco law professor Bill Ong Hing on the death of infantryman Danny Chen, vigilante racism and the historical de-Americanization of Asian Americans.
Private Danny Chen, and why I will never again reach out to OWS about something that matters to me: One person's account of how a recent march and vigil for Pvt. Danny Chen was hijacked by OWS protestors.
Asian-American fans praise Knicks' signing of Ivy Leaguer Jeremy Lin: "New York's Asian-American community was bursting with pride and excitement over the signing of Lin, the Knicks' first Asian-American player since Wataru Misaka donned the orange and blue in the 1947-48 season."
First Asian Knick passes on advice to Lin: Speaking of Wat Misaka, the first Asian American player in the NBA offered some words of encouragement to the newest Knick.
Top 10 Best Dressed Asian Americans of 2011: From Far East Movement to Harry Shum Jr., Hyphen names the most stylin' Asians of the year.
How A Teen's Coerced Confession Set Her Free: Another disturbing article on how Worcester, MA police detectives coerced a false confession out of 16-year-old Nga Truong -- landing her in jail for nearly three years.
Lure of Chinese Tuition Pushes Out Asian-Americans: The University of California system is enrolling record numbers of out-of-state and international students who pay almost twice that of in-state residents -- but are they squeezing out high-achieving Asian American applicants?
Look Outside the Bubble: Best Liberal Arts Colleges for Asian Americans: "What if we told you that unlike the Fancy Pants schools and the UCs, there were colleges that WELCOMED and ACTIVELY RECRUITED Asian Americans with carrots like scholarships/tuition discounts? It's true."
How to Raise Strong and Confident Asian Pacific American Daughters: Frances Kai-Hwa Wang offers some of her best suggestions and practical techniques for raising strong and confident Asian Pacific American daughters and instilling APA Girl Power.
A Hmong Generation Finds Its Voice in Writing: Here's a nice article, picked up by the New York Times, on the groundbreaking literary work of the Hmong American Writers' Circle in Fresno, California.