The book, out this week from St. Martin's Press, is about a young Vietnamese American woman who journeys back to Vietnam to uncover family secrets. It's described as a sweeping, generation-spanning story of a refugee family that is torn apart by war and currents of history. Here's the back-of-the-book synopsis:
Cherry Truong's older brother has been exiled to live with distant relatives in Vietnam. As Cherry journeys from Los Angeles to her family's homeland to bring him back, she embarks on a quest to uncover the mysteries and lies in her family's past -- hidden loves, desperate choices, and lives torn apart by the march of war and currents of history. Spanning three generations, The Reeducation of Cherry Truong tells the sweeping stories of the Truong and Vo families, their escape from Vietnam during the war, the forces that separated them, and the ties that bind them over three continents. Aimee Phan's debut novel introduces readers to a fiercely defiant family who still yearn for reconciliation and redemption in each other's hearts.Sounds like a great read, and I'm optimistically adding it to the ever-growing, precariously tall stack of books on my table. Just spreading the word so you all can read it too. The Reeducation of Cherry Truong is available now in both hardcover