Jeremy knows the Asian squat.
Lin Takes the Weight: Here's Oliver Wang with a one-two punch of Linsanity, first in a fun guest post for Ta-Nehisi Coates of The Atlantic, talking a bit about what Jeremy Lin means to Asian Americans.
Living with Linsanity: And an epic post for the Los Angeles Review of Books, chronicling the rapid rise of Jeremy Lin from benchwarmer to superstar over the last month (has it really only been a month?) -- a Linsanity primer, of sorts.
Jeremy Lin: 7 Ways the New York Knicks Can Keep 'Linsanity' Going: "Nobody wants the Linsanity to end, so the New York Knicks must follow these seven steps to keep the fun train rolling."
Jeremy Lin Inspires a Nation: "The undrafted Harvard grad has become the dream-carrier for masses of Asian-Americans. Not dreams of basketball greatness but dreams of being acknowledged as a living, breathing part of this country."
B.S. Report: President Obama on Jeremy Lin and the Bulls: As a Harvard basketball fan, President Barack Obama was apparently on the Jeremy Lin bandwagon well before Linsanity descended upon most of the world.
Jeremy Lin Gets His Own (Non-Controversial) Ice Cream Flavor: "Yesterday, New York's own Chinatown Ice Cream Factory unveiled its own signature homage to Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin - the #17 Sundae, named after the hardcourt hero's number."
APA Top Ten: Jeremy Lin Biopic Ideas: APA offers a highly entertaining round-up of imaginative ideas and scenarios they'd pitch to producers for the inevitable Jeremy Lin movie biopic.
How many other Jeremy Lins are out there?: "The big LINspiration I hope we take from the Jeremy Lin story has nothing to do with basketball. It's that we open our eyes to the greatness that's lurking unnoticed in all of us. That and hoping that everyone who stands in our way gets a groin injury."
Stop the Linsanity?: The Economist offers a few reasons why Jeremy Lin's already-enormous popularity among Chinese basketball fans might post something of a conundrum for Chinese authorities.
Doin' The Landry: "Would LINSANITY even exist without this man's couch?" Jin presents a musical tribute to Jeremy Lin, but more importantly, the teammate who let Jeremy sleep on his couch, Landry Fields.
Chang's rise helped pave way for Lin: "A generation before Lin made headlines from New York to Taipei, it was Chang who made it fathomable to even utter 'Asian American' and 'professional athlete' in the same sentence."
Decades Before Lin, SF Man Paved Way For Asian-Americans In NBA: Long before Linsanity, in 1964, Bay Area hoopster Norman OwYoung Jang went to a San Francisco Warriors training camp -- becoming the first Chinese American to get a tryout with the NBA.
Jeremy Lin inspires hoop dreams: "It's kind of funny. In four weeks, Lin's sudden emergence as a worldwide story has brought sports fans face-to-face with some of the same racial and cultural stereotypes that players on teams like the Hurricanes have wrestled with for decades."
Trice: Before 'Linsanity,' 2 Asian-American brothers were a fixture on the court: "The brothers, who are now medical students, never aspired to be professional athletes, but they're hoping Lin, who's a Harvard grad and the son of Taiwanese immigrants, will help more Asian-American parents appreciate the role that sports, specifically basketball, can play in their children's development."