Heads up. Mark your calendars for the upcoming PBS premiere of Give Up Tomorrow. Directed by Michael Collins and produced by Marty Syjuco, it's a powerful, award-winning human rights documentary that examines a high profile criminal case out of Cebu. The film will have its broadcast premiere on October 4. Here's the trailer:
Here's the film's synopsis:
As a tropical storm beats down on an island in the Philippines, two sisters leave work and never make it home. Paco Larrañaga, a 19-year-old student, is sentenced to death for their rape and murder, despite overwhelming evidence of his innocence. Give Up Tomorrow exposes shocking corruption within the judicial system of the Philippines and one of the most sensational trials in the country’s history. Two grieving mothers, entangled in a case that ends a nation’s use of capital punishment but fails to free an innocent man, dedicate more than a decade to executing or saving him.For more information about the film and broadcast, go to the POV website.