A Tragic History Of Hate Crimes Against Sikhs In The U.S.: Although the motives of the shooter in Wisconsin this morning are not yet clear, there is a bloody history of violence towards Sikhs in the United States since 9/11.
Military Hazing Has Got to Stop: Congress member Judy Chu's Op-Ed reflecting on the suicides of Pvt. Danny Chen and her nephew, Lance Cpl. Harry Lew, and the action she's taken against military hazing.
Please Submit All Ethnicities: An excellent Slate article on the language around race and ethnicity found in casting call notices.
The End of July Is Only The Beginning Of Mental Health Awareness: July 2nd was No Shame Day, and Jen of Disgrasian weighs in with a personal account of her own struggle with depression. "Simply put: culturally, we just weren't programmed to deal with this shit."
The perils Asian politicians face: Jeff Yang's op-ed piece offers a reality check on Asian American political clout -- and a pointer to where our community still needs to mature and grow.
Wan Joon Kim of Cycadelic Records helped gangsta rappers start Wan Joon Kim escaped North Korea in 1950, and in 1976, came to the U.S. with his family. How did this unlikely character end up helping gangsta rap reach the masses?
A Debut Novel Considers the Angry Asian: Jay Caspian King's The Dead Do Not Improve explores race, class, and privilege in the fictional story of a recent graduate who gets caught up in a murder mystery.
Dig In Magazine Interview with "Yes, We're Open" Director, Richard Wong: Director Richard Wong talks about the inspiration, development, and production process of his film, Yes, We're Open.
Mike Song Interview: Spirited Movement, Unlimited Chakra: A Gumship interview with dancer/choreographer Mike Song.
Politics: Some Undocumented Immigrants Hesitate on Deferred Action Out of Fear: Despite the historic milestone of Obama's DREAM Act passing, many undocumented immigrants aren't sure whether they should apply for government protection from deportation.
Mainstream Media Ignore Asian-American Voters: "Mainstream media rarely report on public policy issues that concern Asian-American voters, even though Asian-Americans are the country's fastest growing immigrant group, have a high concentration in several battleground states and could be the deciding factor in who wins the November election."
Could 2012 Be The Year Of The Asian Voter? Another story on how winning Asian American voters could be the key battleground in this year's election.
Is the GOP about to have an (Asian American) evangelical problem? At first glance, Asian American evangelical Christians appear to be ripe for the GOP's picking. But then again...