
volunteer opportunity: aaldef asian american poll monitoring project

Will you help defend Asian American voting rights?

The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund is putting the call out for folks to help with the Asian American Poll Monitoring Project.

They need Election Day volunteers to monitor poll sites in Asian American neighborhoods in fourteen states -- California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Lousiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Washington DC -- on Tuesday, November 6, 2012.

Here are some more details:
AALDEF Asian American Poll Monitoring Project

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to defend Asian American Voting Rights - Tuesday, November 6, 2012

In past elections, Asian Americans have faced a series of barriers in exercising their right to vote. In response, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund will monitor the elections for compliance with the federal Voting Rights Act, which mandates bilingual ballots and forbids anti-Asian voter discrimination.

Volunteers are needed to monitor poll sites in Asian American neighborhoods in 14 states. Volunteers will administer a multilingual voter survey in 3-hour shifts to document voting problems on Election Day. Polls are generally open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.

There will be a one hour training for all volunteers, or 90 minutes for attorneys seeking CLE credits. All volunteers must be non-partisan. To sign up, go to http://www.aaldef.net/volunteer_monitor_form.aspx or complete the registration form below. Thank you!

For more information, contact AALDEF at 800-966-5946 or votingrights@aaldef.org.
To sign up, fill out the online form or download the form here. For further information on the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund's efforts to defend voting rights, go to the AALDEF website here.

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