Region Crippled by Hurricane Sandy — Day 2: A striking New York Times photos of a man carrying his wife through flood waters in Hoboken.
Hurricane Sandy: The Storm's Impact on Immigrant Workers and Organizations: "The stories of Hurricane Sandy's aftermath in the mainstream and alternative press have so far included some acknowledgement of public sector workers, transit workers, and immigrant workers. "They keep the city running!" runs the triumphant script. This is true. In a sense, it is always true, but never more clear than when the rest of the city is still recuperating at home. Few talk, however, about how this may be linked to the lack of any other option -- that the necessity to keep working is over-riding concerns about health or safety, for instance. Fewer still acknowledge that transit work, food delivery, and driving are some of the more dangerous and vulnerable occupations a person can hold, even without post-storm conditions."
Tracking UC Berkeley's former chancellor Chang-Lin Tien: Chang-Lin Tien's determination paid off when he became UC Berkeley's first Asian American Chancellor in 1990, but his every move was tracked for years by the FBI -- and eventually cost him a post in the White House.
Asian-Americans in the Admissions Argument: With the future of affirmative action in the air, what's at stake for Asian Americans?
Grave Injustice: Twenty years ago, Japanese exchange student Yoshiri Hattori was shot dead in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, after knocking on the wrong door to find a Halloween party.
'Survivor' Star on Asian American Success Stories: Survivor winner and host of PBS's America Revealed Yul Kwon responds to Lee Siegel's essay, "Rise of the Tiger Nation," in which compares the American Jewish experience with that of Asian Americans, and uses Kwon as an example.
Annabel's Mom Backs Obama, Calls for Unity, Calls Out Republicans in Congress: In this video, Annabel Park's mom explains why she supports President Obama and why she doesn't get Republicans.
Obama leads among Asian Americans: According to a new Field Poll of Asian American voters in California, President Barack Obama holds a 58 percent to 25 percent lead over Mitt Romney.
How Nevada's Asian American vote can swing election: California Congressman Mike Honda on how Asian Americans can change Nevada's vote.
First-ever Asian American-Pacific Islander California voter guide released: Asian American and Pacific Islander voters in California have a new resource to help them decide how to vote on some of the propositions on the November ballot.
My First New Yorker Cover: Adrian Tomine has illustrated a few covers for The New Yorker, including the latest issue. Here, he takes a trip down memory lane and walks us through the creation of his first magazine cover.
Yo, Is This Racist? Race-Bending Our Way Around Cloud Atlas Andrew Ti's take on Cloud Atlas' odd make-up choices.
Yellowface In 'Cloud Atlas' Continues Hollywood Tradition of Racism: Why Alden Habacon is boycotting Cloud Atlas.
Coming to America: South Korea's top directors on hitting Hollywood with English language films: Park Chan-wook, Kim Jee-woon, and Bong Joon-ho will debut their first English language films next year.
The Obligatory Jeremy Lin: Beard Don't Lie: Days before opening day, the Houston Rockets acquired James Harden to combine forces with star point guard Jeremy Lin. The result? BeardSanity.
Meet the US Army's Soldier of the Year, a Nepalese Immigrant: Sgt. Saral Shrestha, a special forces-connected sergeant, officer-in-training, Afghanistan vet and a recent immigrant to the United States from Nepal, was recently named the U.S. Army's soldier of the year.
The Most Influential LGBT Asian Icons: A list of 54 LGBT Asians in media, the arts, fashion, and politics.
York University prof enlists student snitches to battle digital distraction: Professor Henry Kim has made students pledge not to use their laptops for non-class business during his lectures -- and also to tell him the truth if he asks what their classmates are watching on their screens.