10 Ridiculously Offensive Things People Tell Asian Women On OkCupid: BuzzFeed does a "greatest hits" roundup of posts from the Creepy White Guys Tumblr, which collects exceptionally horrifying messages from "creepy white guys with Asian fetishes" on dating sites.
To (All) the White Girls Who Didn't Get Into The College Of Their Dreams: Did you catch Suzy Lee Weiss's extended whine about "tiger moms" and "headdress" wearers and why she didn't get into the colleges she wanted to? Don't. Read Kendra James' reply instead.
An Open Letter to Suzy Lee Weiss: A letter from one college-bound high school senior to another -- except YingYing Shang knows where to check her privilege.
We Are Not Newcomers or Bystanders: Asian Americans and the Struggle for Immigration Reform: Deepa Iyer, Executive Director of SAALT, on Asian Americans and rallying for immigration reform.
Hot Asian American Guys Are Taking Over My TV (Finally): Glenn from Walking Dead, Reggie Jackson on The Neighbors, and Steven on Go On. Yes! Hot Asian American guys are taking over TV.
girl on guy 88: steven yeun: Speaking of Glenn from The Walking Dead, post-apocalyptic badass Steven Yeun was recently a guest on Aisha Tyler's most excellent "Girl on Guy" podcast, talking about Korea jet packs, audition nightmares and blood-sucking insects.
Can I Play Bruce Lee?: Michelle Krusiec will be playing many roles for "Kung Fu," David Henry Hwang's play about Bruce Lee. But no, unfortunately, she will not be playing Bruce.
The Tenement Life: From Jacob Riis To Beyond: 81 Bowery is a tenement building in New York City's Chinatown. Residents are mostly Chinese immigrant workers who lived in cramped and crowded conditions. So why, in the face of eviction, are many fighting to move back in? Most don't really have better options.
Yellow Peril and the American Dream: Writer Catherine Chung on microaggressions, racial scapegoating, and the changing face of the United States.