If you've ever played golf at the Verdugo Hills Golf Course in Los Angeles, then you've also stood on the former Tuna Canyon Detention Station, where more than 2,500 Japanese Americans were held before being sent to internment, incarceration, or detention camps after FDR issued Executive Order 9066 in February 1942.
Now, some good folks with the Historic Tuna Canyon Detention Station Coalition want this site to be declared an historical landmark -- something Los Angeles' Cultural Affairs Commission has rejected. But here's a video on why the designation is important:
The TCDS needs your support -- and here are two timely opportunities in Los Angeles. On June 11th and June 19th, come to City Hall for two public hearings on Tuna Canyon Detention Station. Come, share your thoughts, or just show that you're not going to let this chapter of history be erased.
Sign the petition in support of the designation: LA City Planning and Land Use Management Committee and the LA City Council: Grant historical/cultural landmark status to the former site of TCDS.
For updates about the initiative, visit this Facebook page. For further information, here's a Rafu Shimpo article by JP deGuzman: Remembering and Commemorating Tuna Canyon Detention Station.