If you're in Los Angeles, you're invited to a special screening of Lil Tokyo Reporter, an award-winning narrative short film based on the true life struggles of Sei Fujii, immigrant pioneer, leader and publisher. Directed by Jeffrey Gee Chin, the film stars Oscar winner Chris Tashima, Eijiro Ozaki, Ikuma Ando, Keiko Agena and Sewell Whitney. The exclusive screening/DVD release is happening Thursday, August 29 at LA Center Studios, and will include reception and Q&A with the cast and crew. Here are some more details:
LIL TOKYO REPORTERThe event is free, but you must RSVP and enter the promotional code ANGRYASIAN. For further information about the film, visit the official Lil Tokyo Reporter website and Facebook page.
Exclusive Screening & DVD Release Party
August 29th @ 7PM
450 Bixel Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017
PARKING: Available at the studio structure
**Limited Space Available, RSVP via the link below. Full Legal Name Required.
LINK: http://ltreporter.eventbrite.com/?access=ANGRYASIAN
1935 Los Angeles, community leader Sei Fujii uncovers the corrupt activities of his community's underground mafia. He must choose between saving the face of his deteriorating community and confronting the issues head on through his newspaper. Based on a true story.